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Annie Annie

Last 200 games:

Annie games list.
Player Result Score Build Opponent Date Game Tournament
TabeVictory4/10/15Leona2013-09-281/2 Final - Royal Club vs FnaticSeason 3 World Championship
SwordArtDefeat2/6/2Thresh2013-09-24Gamania vs SKT T1 KSeason 3 World Championship
TabeVictory0/6/6Zyra2013-09-24Royal Club vs OMGSeason 3 World Championship
bigpomeloVictory2/2/14Zyra2013-09-21OMG vs GamingGearSeason 3 World Championship
XpecialDefeat0/4/8Sona2013-09-21Team SoloMid vs SKT T1 KSeason 3 World Championship